Singing Guide: The Fool's Preferment

Singing Guide: The Fool's Preferment

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

David Coffin was an influential folk performer, with a career that spanned almost fifty years. Coffin was known for his interest and proficiency in the sea shanty, the work song of sailors, and became a pioneer in the field in the late 20th century. His deep, resonant voice gave his music an authenticity that was hard to come by, and his performances reflected an appreciation and understanding of the music's history and context.

Unique Vocal Technique

Coffin was characterized by his rich baritone voice, which he used to great effect in his renditions of traditional sea shanties. A shanty is a work song used by seamen to keep a steady rhythm while performing heavy labor, and Coffin's deep voice perfectly captured their exhausting nature. His powerful voice carried on board the largest ships and was perfectly matched with his guitar, the accordion, or the concertina.

Songs Showcasing the Technique

One of Coffin's most popular songs that showcases his vocal technique is John Storm. This song is an excellent example of the sea shanty, and Coffin's voice is perfectly suited for this type of music. He sings with a deep, powerful voice that gets the listener moving to the rhythm of the song. Another classic performance is Roll the Old Chariot, which features Coffin's impressive range as he sings along to the popular melody.

Practical Advice

If you want to learn to sing like David Coffin, the first thing to do is to master your breathing techniques, especially the Active and Passive breathing techniques. Secondly, you should learn how to identify your vocal range. Take the Vocal range test from Singing Carrots that compares your range with famous singers. This way, you can see where Coffin's voice falls, which will give you an idea of where to start with your own range. Lastly, Coffin's style of singing is very connected with his understanding of the lyrics. Always keep the lyrics in your mind, and try to connect the sound of your voice with the meaning of the words.

Relevant Resources

Practice singing using the Vocal pitch monitor and Vocal range test. Singing Carrots also offers a singing course that gives you the opportunity to learn the basics of singing from scratch.


David Coffin was a legendary performer and an extraordinary singer. His unique vocal technique continues to influence music lovers, and his legacy can now be appreciated by anyone who wants to learn how to sing like him. Following the practical advice in this article and using the resources from Singing Carrots, you can get one step closer to mastering the illustrious style of David Coffin.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.